Here is the whole gang.. Well most of the gang a couple of ladies couldn't make it. I told them we really should have a high school picture to go with this one.. lol
This is the lovely lady who put it all together. She sent the invites and got all of the food together.
Thank you to this friend for offering her home as the meeting place for us to have the shower.
And my favorite.. Present Time! Present Time! Open a Present and see whats inside.. LOL If you are wondering where that came from it was too many days watching Blues Clues when the twins were small.. Crazy Blues Clues Never goes away!!
Last but not least.. It was found out that I really wanted this diaper bag but would probably never buy it for myself so they all pitched in and got it for me. I was beyond thrilled. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!
Thanks Ladies for being such special friends. I love you guys!! We need to get together more often!